With the constant technological advances and the growing number of ways to communicate and collaborate with employers and colleagues via web and phone channels, the opportunity to work remotely is becoming a more and more common reality. What was once a perk limited to contractors or part-time employees is now being enjoyed by many and Continue reading →
There are many reasons why a person would want to take advantage of a work-from-home opportunity as opposed to working in an office or other workplace. One reason could be that a person has children and can’t afford childcare. Depending on how many children a person has, childcare can cost as much as $1,000 a Continue reading →
When the average person hears the words “work from home”, it automatically sounds like the perfect opportunity. Not only will we now get to avoid driving long commutes and working with rude co-workers, but we will also get to spend more time with family than ever before. These are all reasons enough to opt to Continue reading →